Sunday, November 21, 2010

Good News For People Who Already Have Bad News

The National MS Society sends out emails, about once a month, giving information on everything from coping strategies to treatment breakthroughs. I received one last week, the headline of which was "FDA Approves Drug for Socially Challenging MS Symptom." I should note that I get these emails on my phone, so I didn't get the entire subject line. All I saw at first was "FDA Approves Drug." Naturally, I got all kinds of excited. Another one?

Turns out, the drug, called Nuedexta, is for treating "uncontrollable laughing or crying." Really. I read the rest of the email in complete and total shock, not because this medication has been invented or approved, but because I had no idea that this could be a symptom. Apparently, this can also happen to people with ALS, and some other disorders. So, um, congratulations constant laughers and criers. I'm going to start taking your medication prophylactically, k?

Friday, November 12, 2010

What Knockers!

Teri Garr is one of my favorite famous people with Multiple Sclerosis. But we have two things in common.